



如今有些人在生命中的某個時期透過靈性科學描述以外的方法發展出了靈視力。 這是因為他們從更早的時期(譯註:前世)繼承了這些能力,然而他們卻還沒有在那些他們作為千里眼的生活領域裡達到正確的判斷力。但是我們正來到的時代卻是,在這種成熟和平衡的判斷基礎上發展靈視力之前,必須先有良好的判斷力。

換句話說,現在當人們表現出某種通靈能力,某種靈視力,卻沒有先做嚴肅的練習,沒有先研究過靈性科學時——這些訓練如果以正確的方式應用,可能是帶出原有的靈視力天賦的最佳練習——這並不意味著他們比其他人更先進,反而是他們更落後。 目前這一世擁有返祖(譯註:前世帶來的)的天賦能力,並不意味著一個人已經達到了清晰思維的階段。 更先進的靈魂顯然是能以一般普通的理解而做出正確判斷的靈魂——而人只要沒有先入為主的觀念,這種普通理解完全足以掌握靈性科學。

如果我們允許自己欽佩有返祖的靈視通靈能力的人,我們就犯了一個大錯誤。如果我們相信這樣一個人的靈魂特別先進,我們就走錯了路。 因為這個靈魂表現出這種能力,意味著其未能經歷在靈視力時代(那一個前世)必須經歷的某些事情。 因此,該靈魂現在正在追趕之前(前世)錯過的東西。 若有接觸靈性科學的人認為,一個沒有學習過靈性科學就表現出某種靈視力的人一定前世某種重要人物時,這就相當怪異。 因為這樣(有靈視力卻不懂靈性科學)的人肯定不如有能力對事物表現出正確判斷的人更了不起。

~魯道夫·史坦納Rudolf Steiner,死者的存在,GA 1541 瞭解靈性世界I1914418日,柏林

"Some people nowadays develop clairvoyant faculties at certain times in their life by methods other than those described by spiritual science. This is because they have inherited these faculties from earlier times and they have not yet achieved sound judgment in those areas of life where they are clairvoyant. But we are approaching the time when sound judgment must be present before clairvoyance can be developed on the basis of such mature and balanced judgment.

In other words, when people these days show certain psychic abilities, a certain clairvoyance, without having done serious exercises, without having studied spiritual science — which, if applied in the right way, can be the best exercise to bring out the old clairvoyance — this does not mean that they are more advanced than everyone else, but rather that they are lagging behind. Having atavistic abilities today does not mean one has reached the stage of clear thinking. The more advanced soul is clearly the one that comes to sound judgments out of its ordinary understanding — and this ordinary understanding is completely sufficient to grasp spiritual science if one is free of preconceived notions.

We are making a great mistake if we allow atavistic clairvoyant abilities to impress us. We are on the wrong track if we believe such a person's soul is particularly advanced. That this soul shows such abilities means that it has failed to go through certain things that had to be experienced in the age of clairvoyance. Therefore, that soul is now catching up on what was missed earlier. It is quite grotesque when people involved in spiritual science believe that someone who displays a certain clairvoyance without having studied spiritual science must have been someone important in a previous life. Such a person was quite certainly less important than someone displaying sound judgment about things."

~Rudolf Steiner, The Presence of the Dead, GA 154, 1. Understanding the Spiritual World I, 18 April 1914, Berlin

